Culture and society

Get to know Finland, Finland Swedish culture and Finnish working life.
There is along queue of parked cars between the houses. Each house has a Finnish flag in its flagpole.
Photo: Jarmo Mela. Finland Promotion Board.

Your guide for living in Finland

There is so much to learn about the society and culture when you are new in a country. It is easier to make yourself feel at home if you know where you can get help in different kinds of situations and if you know how the society works. And it is of course very good to know the local culture and its features. 

You have a legal right to integrate in Swedish if you want to. Read more about Swedish language in Finland on InfoFinland's website

InfoFinland has extensive information for you who is new in Finland: Your guide for living in Finland (  

Your integration guide in the capital region

The organization Luckan provides a lot for people who choose to integrate in Swedish in Finland. They focus on the capital region but newcomers in other regions will find good advice and information as well. 


Luckan integration: Integrating in Swedish (external link)

The organization Luckan's office in Helsinki has a large variety of services in the capital region, networks and a good website for you who want's to integrate in Swedish in Finland.

Bilingual life in Finland: Hanko-Hangö

There are many bilingual cities and municipalities along the Southern and Western coasts of Finland. Watch what people in the city Hanko/Hangö have to tell you about living in a Finnish and Swedish city.

Hands. Lingonberries in the right hand and blueberries in the left hand.

Living in two languages in Finland - BBC World Service (external link)

Video about the bilingual city Hanko/Hangö in southern Finland made by journalist Erika Benke.

Online-courses about working life in Finland and the Work help Finland-app

Massive open online courses (MOOC) för anyone who wants to know more about working life and culture in Finland and how to plan your carrier and future work. The courses are all in English. 

The Work Help app helps you with Finnish working life from a legal perspective and also introduces you to essential practial information. The app has many different language options.

Future of Work online course (external link)

The roles of the individual, organisations and society have changed - how it affect how we work today and in the future?


Design a Meaningful Career online course (external link)

How to creatively shape your career as you go in the radically changing world of work. The course is an open online course.


Finland Works online course (external link)

How to navigate Finnish working life and how to build a career? The course explores working life in Finland from societal, organisational and individual perspectives.


Work Help Finland app (external link)

The Work Help Finland app is intended for foreign workers coming to Finland and residing in Finland.

A library with people working on computers.

Kultur online

Ta en titt på kulturmaterial på internet!

Staty på Johan Ludvig Runeberg i Borgå.

Statyn talar till dig! (external link)

Virtuell dramapromenad om kända statyer i Helsingfors. Bekanta dig med Finlands brokiga och dramatiska historia med hjälp av berättelserna om våra poeter, författare, presidenter osv. Materialet är gjort av Helsingfors stadsmiljön.

Sidu! Det svenska i Finland. Online-course(MOOC) about Finland Swedish culture and society. 

Coming in fall 2023.

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