Media page

Kielibuusti develops education of Finnish and Swedish to better meet the needs of international talents residing in Finland or who are recruited to Finland.

This page gathers contact details, image and logo files and instructions to use them.


Marianne Gråsten, commnications specialist
phone +358 504778050

Kielibuusti photos

Kielibuusti's imagery and logos are available for media to use in content about Kielibuusti free of charge. Other use is not allowed. If the photographer is mentioned in the file, please credit them. You should also mention Kielibuusti as a source for the images you use. Below you can find our logo and a selection of photos. For more information about the photos, please contact  

Logo files

You can download two versions of Kielibuusti logo: with or without background color. 


The student is smiling and chatting with the teacher at a table. The student looks at the smiling teacher with a pen in her hand. There are some sheets of paper and a computer on the table.
Kuva: Kalle Kataila
En lärare står framför klassen. På tavlan står det två meningar på finska: "Sata rantaa. Sataa räntää."
Photo: Kalle Kataila
A student with a phone in her hand and headphones on is sitting at a table.
Photo: Kalle Kataila
Smiling adults are chatting over a coffee break.
Photo: Kalle Kataila

See also

Contact information

Contact persons and persons in charge.

People sitting in the audience. They are looking at their phones.


The Kielibuusti blog posts discuss language learning from different perspectives. The blog posts are available in Finnish, Swedish and English.

Henkilö istuu pöydän ääressä ja käyttää kannettavaa tietokonetta. Tietokoneella näkyy sumeasti videokeskustelu.
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