Study counsellors in higher education

Here you can find tools for raising international students’ awareness of the importance of Finnish or Swedish language skills in working life. With these materials, students can plan their language studies and find effective language study methods.

Tools for advisors
Kolme henkilö keskustelee keskenään.
Tools for advisors
Two persons are sitting at a table and discussing.
Integration and language tests
Kaksi opikelijaa kävelee käytävällä ja hymyilee.
Education planners in higher education
Education planners in higher education
Education planners in higher education
Assessing the language skills of the employee
Two students are coming down the stairs.
Integration and language tests
Hands are holding a pen and there's a notebook on the table.

Language tests and integration

Information about language tests (YKI and others), language skill levels and integration services

See also

Internship advisors

Materials and models to support language learning during internships.

The student is smiling and chatting with the teacher at a table. The student looks at the smiling teacher with a pen in her hand. There are some sheets of paper and a computer on the table.

Find language courses

Educational institutions all around Finland with Finnish and Swedish language courses

Kolme henkilöä istuu pöydän ääressä.

Kulttuuriosaajan toimintamalli (external link)

Toimintamalli auttaa maahanmuuttajataustaisia sairaanhoitajia sekä sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoita integroitumaan työelämään ja yhteiskuntaan.

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