Plan your language learning

Assess your language skills with the test by Kielibuusti and reflect on your language learning goals with the language PSP.

Language learning tips
Plan your language learning

See also

Language tests and integration

Information about language tests (YKI and others), language skill levels and integration services

Hands are holding a pen and there's a notebook on the table.

Find online learning materials

Explore self study websites and apps for independent study of Finnish.

A student with a phone in her hand and headphones on is sitting at a table.

Speak and listen Finnish

Practise by listening to podcasts and learn about the differences between spoken and written language.


Opiskele tekstitaitoja

Vahvista kirjallisia taitojasi: tietoa ja harjoituksia tekstien kirjoittamiseksi.

Opiskelija katsoo hymyillen eteenpäin, ja hänen vieressä istuva opiskelija katsoo tietokonetta.

Field spesific materials

Here you can find language learning materials for different fields.

People gathered around a table and discussing.

Find language courses

Educational institutions all around Finland with Finnish and Swedish language courses

Kolme henkilöä istuu pöydän ääressä.
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