34 tips for learning Finnish

You don’t have to take a course to learn a language. Here you can find information about language learning and tips on how to make language learning fun and effective on your own.
A lot of young people have gathered to watch sledging.
Photo: Ethan Hu. Unsplash.

Pick out at least one tip from each of these lists on how to learn Finnish during your free time.  You can find more tips for language learning on the website of the Centre for Multilingual Academic Communication (MOVI).  

Check also these

Customer service situations at the hotel reception

8 videos on work-related situations in which the hotel receptionist serves the customer in Finnish.

Pöydän ääressä kädet selittävät ja pitelevät kynää. Pöydällä vihko.

©2023 Aija Elg and Emmi Pollari and Taija Udd
Everyday language learning, April 2023, by Aija Elg and Emmi Pollari and Taija Udd, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The material can be found at kielibuusti.fi 

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