Kielibuusti project

Newsletter 02/2024

The Kielibuusti newsletters – each one tailored to a different target group – feature selected details of past and upcoming events, publications and other things that connect with Kielibuusti's core themes. The newsletter is sent out four times a year.
Kirje, jonka sisällä on paperi, jossa on Kielibuusti Språkboost -logo. Kirjeen ympärillä puhekuplia.

Greetings from Kielibuusti!

(you can read this newsletter in Finnish or Swedish by changing the language at the top of the page)  

We are now well into the spring semester – and this final year of the Kielibuusti project. It is therefore time for the first newsletter of 2024. In the usual way, our three newsletters tailored for Kielibuusti’s different target groups and networks offer a taste of what’s been happening and what is coming up. 

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