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Online-courses about working life and studying in Finland

These MOOC courses introduce you to Finnish working life, culture and society. The courses are available to all.
Henkilö istuu pöydän ääressä ja käyttää kannettavaa tietokonetta. Tietokoneella näkyy sumeasti videokeskustelu.
Photo: Rainer Paananen. All rights reserved.

Online course about studying in Finland

Finland Studies online course (MOOC) brings together information about studying at a Finnish higher education institution and offers perspectives on student life in Finland. 

Finland Studies open online course (external link)

The Finland Studies open online course (MOOC) brings together perspectives on studying in Finnish higher education.


Online-courses about working life in Finland and the Work help Finland-app

Massive open online courses (MOOC) for anyone who wants to know more about working life and culture in Finland and how to plan your carrier and future work. The courses are all in English.

The Work Help app helps you with Finnish working life from a legal perspective and also introduces you to essential practial information. The app has many different language options.


Finland Works online course (external link)

How to navigate Finnish working life and how to build a career? The course explores working life in Finland from societal, organisational and individual perspectives.


Future of Work online course (external link)

The roles of the individual, organisations and society have changed - how it affect how we work today and in the future?


Design a Meaningful Career online course (external link)

How to creatively shape your career as you go in the radically changing world of work. The course is an open online course.

A library with people working on computers.

Work Help Finland app (external link)

The Work Help Finland app is intended for foreign workers coming to Finland and residing in Finland.

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