Kielibuusti receives Aalto Success Enabler Award

Aalto University's recognition awards for 2023 were announced at the opening ceremony of Aalto University's academic year on September 5th 2023.
Photo: Hannah Busing. Unsplash. All rights reserved.

Kielibuusti was recognised for the website, which helps integrate international students, faculty and staff in the Finnish society. The project was also mentioned as an example for cooperation between higher education institutions in Finland. Kielibuusti wants to thank for the support, our work for developing the learningn opportunities of Finnish and Swedish for internationals continue.

The awards are granted annually to Aalto University community members for their outstanding work for the success of the university.  The decisions on the winners are made by the President's Management Team, based on the proposals coming from the Aalto University community.

Read more at Aalto community members awarded for their impressive work

Watch the Aalto Success Enabler 2023 video 

The winners of the Aalto Success Enabler 2023 award are presented in the video. Kielibuusti received the award together with two massive open online courses, Finland Studies and Finland Works. 

Read more of the massive online open courses Finland Studies and Finland works, which were also awarded as the Aalto Success Enabler 2023.

Online-courses about working life and studying in Finland

Get to know Finnish studies and working life with free online courses.

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