TE-live: Working in Finland - why and how to learn Finnish? 27.2.2024 at 13.00

Do you want boost your career with Finnish or Swedish skills? Join the webinar to learn how kielibuusti.fi information platform can help you!
En lärare står framför klassen. På tavlan står det två meningar på finska: "Sata rantaa. Sataa räntää."
Photo: Kalle Kataila. All rights reserved.

TE-live webinar 27.2.2024 at 13.00-13.30

When working in Finland, it is useful to know at least some Finnish (or Swedish), even when your working language is English. Local language skills are beneficial for both your career and your everyday life. In this TE-live broadcast we will talk about the importance of Finnish skills in the Finnish labour market and introduce possibilities to study Finnish, based on the Kielibuusti.fi information platform.

On the Kielibuusti.fi website you can find learning materials, advice and links to different services. Materials are free of charge and open for anyone to use. The website includes a national course search to find a suitable language school, information about language tests such as YKI, an extensive list of online learning materials, tools for assessing your skills and planning your language studies, tips for everyday learning, and much more! The website is produced by five universities and funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Join us online on TE-live on 27th of February at https://te-live.fi/lahetykset/J-cjXk1jP. Our guest Inkeri Lehtimaja from Kielibuusti / Aalto University will talk about how to boost your career with Finnish/Swedish skills and guide you through the Kielibuusti.fi platform. You are very welcome to watch this live show and ask questions anonymously in the chat! For more information and to access the recording of the event, please visit the TE-live website.

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